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Humanitarian Mother Teresa's devotion for a lifetime

Humanitarian Mother Teresa's devotion for a lifetime - From this trip and Mother, Teresa against humanity will begin. Determination of round and strong beliefs eventually lead him to small areas and slums full of poverty.

He went without capital. He went to Tiljala, a region of the poor in Calcutta, India. He lived with a family that consists of seven people in a House that rickety. When night falls, he rested with the look and feel of rats coming into the House. And during the day he goes looking for the right place to serve on humanity in Calcutta.

Finally one day he found five children and grew steadily until to 40 children. The next day, the number of children which he found growing up to 90 children. Next, in 1948, he initiated his Ministry with the slum school opened. However, the limitations of funds make it had to organize teaching in the Park.

In addition to teaching, provision of medical expertise while at St. Mary's opened an opportunity for her to give help in terms of medical and health.

Humanitarian Mother Teresa's devotion for a lifetime

He brought the sick children to his home and took care of them there. Diligently and patience he taught and provided treatment to them. He also learned to read the letters written on the ground. Nor did he forget to embed the concern for a fellow by referring them to the places where people are sick.

At that time, the community remained in many suffering from leprosy and tuberculosis. However, the disease is not dangerous for them. According to him the most dangerous conditions for them is the feeling of being useless because no one is paying attention to and love them.

Mother Teresa's struggles serve on humanity not tireless and selfless. He served humanity solely to free humanity from the bondage of poverty. He seeks to revive the hopes of the community over various problems afflicting life, poverty, hunger, and disease.

He did not know the words of desperation seems to fruition when many people begin to sympathize and help her. Help this one came from a woman who was later followed by other communities.

On October 5, 1950, people began pouring in helped Mother Teresa's struggles. Because of the large number of these people eventually formed a group called "Missionary of Charity."

In this year also the Supreme Leader of the Roman Catholics, France, the Pope approves of the order. The members of the Group of the Missionary of Charity wearing a sari uniform white in its suburbs, while the cross on his shoulders. They should be prepared to live in poverty, should not work to earn money and should not work for the wealthy. They should devote attention to the people that don't get the attention or rejected by others.

Missionary of Charity evolves quickly. In 1952 Mother Teresa founded the Nirmal Hrida Home for Dying Destitutes in Calcutta to take care of those who are dying and on the verge of death, where that time Calcutta being contracted the disease leprosy.

Furthermore, thanks to the help of India officials, he turned an abandoned Hindu temple being Kalighat Home for Dying, a free hospital for the poor. They were brought to the hospital will receive medical treatment and given the chance to die in glory according to their beliefs. Muslims read Al-Quran, Hindus received water from the Ganges, and Catholics received the last rites.

Mother Teresa also provides shelter for those suffering from Hansen's disease (leprosy). He shared the order provides a treatment there. Leprosy is considered disgusting disease, turned out for Mother Teresa differently. He is quite the treat, manage and provide appropriate care.

Also, Mother Teresa also has made a home for children who are missing. In 1955 he opened the Nirmala Bhavan This as home protection for orphans and homeless teens.

And in the 1960s, the order has opened shelters, orphanages, leprosy homes as well as in the rest of India. Mother Teresa then expanded the law around the world. First house outside India opened in Venezuela in 1965 with five sisters.

And then in Rome, Tanzania, and Austria in 1968. And during the 1970s, the order opened houses and foundations in dozens of countries, whether in Asia, Africa, Europe, and the United States.

In 1982, during the peak of the siege of Beirut, Mother Teresa rescued 37 children trapped in a front-line Hospital, with mediate a ceasefire while Israel soldiers and between Palestinian guerrillas.

In 1983 Mother Teresa had suffered a heart attack while visiting Paul John Paul II in Rome. However, it has not turned his passion for the fight in the fields of the humanities. Proven, in 1984 the order running nineteen organizations around the country. After the second attack in 1989, she received an artificial pacemaker.

Perhaps because of his health conditions that exacerbated the decline, Mother Teresa then ask to resign from his position as head of the missionaries. However, the nuns of the order in a secret vote chose him to remain serving as chairman of the ministers. Finally, any Mother Teresa agreed to continue as head of the decree.

Devotion and the struggle of Mother Teresa to humanity indeed never faded. In a rescue, he accompanied the workers of the Red Cross traveled to Beirut to evacuate the patients who are victims of war.

A journey through the war zone full of courage. He then also went to Ethiopia to aid famine sufferers and serving due to Chernobyl radiation victims. He also went to America to help earthquake victims there.

In 1991, after battling pneumonia while in Mexico, Mother Teresa was suffering from heart problems. This year, he then returned to his homeland and opened missionary in Tirana, Albania.

In 1996 he was running 517 missions in more than 100 countries. Over the years he developed the Missionaries of Charity to serve "the poorest of the poor" in 450 centers around the world. The first Mionaris House which is in the United States founded in South Bronx, New York.

In April 1996, Mother Teresa fell and broke the bones of his groin. In August of the same year, she suffered from malaria and heart failure in the left ventricle. He underwent heart surgery, but it was clear that his health was failing.

He was treated at a hospital in California, and this has raised some criticism. The Archbishop of Calcutta, Henry D'Souza Subastian said that he had ordered a priest to perform an exorcism to Mother Teresa atop his permission the first time he was hospitalized with a heart problem because the Bishop think Mother Teresa may be attacked by Satan.

On March 13, 1997, Mother Teresa came down from his post as head of the Missionaries Dinta love. Mother Teresa died on September 5, 1997, and his death brings grief to humanity.

Humanitarian Mother Teresa's devotion for a lifetime

His body was laid in the tranquillity in the Church of St Thomas, Kolkata, during the week before his funeral in September 1997. The Government of India gave him a State funeral in gratitude for his services to the poor of all religions in India.

The death of Mother Teresa is suffering for the people of the world. In tribute, Nawas Sharif, the Pakistani Prime Minister said that Mother Teresa was a rare and unique individual who lived for a higher purpose.

Lifelong devotion to caring for the poor, the sick, and those less fortunate is one example of the highest service to humanity. Meanwhile, former Secretary-General of the OBB, Javier Perez de Cuellar said that Mother Teresa was to unite the nation, he is peace in this world.
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